…Boba Fett’s origin?


In the famous bounty hunter scene in The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader says, “you are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive… no disintegrations.”  The “no disintegrations” comment is specifically directed at Boba Fett, who simply responds, “as you wish.”

No Disintegrations

While most fans feel that this scene was intended to infer Vader had previously engaged Fett’s services to obtain the plans stored within R2-D2 by “any means necessary”, and disintegrations had occurred (the bounty hunter killing Luke Skywalker’s Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru to prevent any competitors from obtaining the same information and collecting his reward)…

Boba Fett was on Tatooine during the search for the droids

Boba Fett was on Tatooine during the search for the droids

The bodies of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru having obviously undergone "a change in composition…an atomic nucleus that disintegrates because of radioactivity"

The bodies of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru having obviously undergone “a change in composition…an atomic nucleus that disintegrates because of radioactivity”

…there is another obvious clue that fans have completely overlooked from the “meeting with bounty hunters” scene in Empire.

That clue comes with Boba Fett’s response to Vader’s directive.

Yes, the original identity for who George Lucas had intended Boba Fett to be, before stupidly opting to make him an altered clone, has been RIGHT THERE… and yet none of us saw it, but how in the hell could we have MISSED it?

The clue to who this is lies in the romance novel, The Princess Bride written by William Goldman in 1973.


In the novel’s fantasy world a beautiful young woman named Buttercup lives on a farm in the country of Florin.  She delights in verbally abusing the farm hand Westley, whom she refers to as “farm boy”, by demanding that he perform chores for her.  Whenever she gives him an order, he answers “as you wish” and happily complies.

As You Wish

Westley leaves to seek his fortune so that he can marry her, going on to become the Dread Pirate Roberts’ valet and then his predecessor.


It is obvious Westley did not acquire the fortune from his piracy he required to marry Buttercup, so moved into the more lucrative pursuit of galactic bounty hunting, and the rest as they say is history;)

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